Friday 28 March 2008

Ack! I've Run Out of Mondays!

I've suddenly realised we've only got a week before we fly out. Somehow, it always feels like I've got ages to go, plenty of time. That is, until one day when I wake up and realise I've run out of Mondays.

I was making plans with some friends to get together. Naturally, now that we're going away, everyone comes out of the woodwork wanting to catch up. So we were making plans for Monday, and I asked if they want to meet this coming Monday or the one after.

That's when it hit me: The Monday after, I'll be in Bangkok! We fly in one week from tomorrow! (The April Resolution)

And I've still got so much to do. All the packing, and organising. I have articles to write, a house to clean and yard work to get done. Thankfully I found someone good (fingers Xed) to sublet our cottage, and some friends to car-sit for us.

Autumn and Earth-Mama have kindly offered to drive us to the airport, (well, I'm letting them borrow my car for 3 months), as well as baby-sitting all my midwifery books, storing a few boxes and taking my left-over food off my hands.

On top of it all, we still have our regular lives to live. Friends, homeschool group, library, markets, housework, writing.

We have organised to spend our last Monday with the other families in the homeschool group to go on a 'field trip' to the Ice skating rink that's about an hour away on the Gold Coast! Littletree is beside herself with excitement. I guess it will be part going-away party and part Littletree's 5th birthday celebration, since we will have her birthday in Israel.


  1. I will miss you while you're gone, but do have a fantastic trip !!! Are you still planning on blogging while you're away?

  2. When is LittleTrees actual birthday? Have fun on your trip!

  3. I will be blogging while I'm away. :)
    and Littletree was born on Monday, 14th April, 2003, in Brazil.

  4. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.

  5. Flavio needs help- go to him my luv...



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