Friday, 16 September 2011

Farewell Lady D

The ever-gorgeous Lady Demelza and her partner Uncle CJ left us this morning, off on the journey back down south.


They did leave us with a parting gift, so that we’ll always have a bit of their awesomeness around: a shiny new SodaStream machine! Littletree was ecstatic!

23 soda stream

Once Lady Demelza got it all unpacked and set up, she gave Littletree a demo of how it works, and away she goes! So now we have plenty of soda water with which to make bubbly drinks. I suppose I shall have to start making my own cordials to go with it now.

24 soda stream

So last night we had a farewell feast, Uncle CJ cooked a yummy roast dinner, which is now all eaten… but we still have the happy memories of Lady Demelza plying us with Pink Champagne

21 pink champagne

And the ultimate proof that Real Men do Drink Pink:

22 pink champagne

Happy journeys, Lady D :) and thanks for everything!


  1. Ohh I just noticed the new island in one of those pictures :)

  2. och! you're right Lea!
    I shall have to update everyone on my gorgeous new green kitchen soon!


Thanks for your lovely words, witty banter and entertaining discussion :)