Tuesday 22 July 2008

There's No Place Like Home

CIMG3902I haven't posted since I've been home, because we arrived to find the internet connection still isn't working. Anyway, we spent one last day in Wollongong, hung out with our friends on the beachThen we took our flight back up north.

Earth Mama arrived to the airport to pick us up; the poor girl - her partner, Autumn was supposed to pick us up, but he forgot, so she had to leave in the middle of her Blessingway and drive an hour to get us.

It was so wonderful to arrive home and find our little cottage just as we left it. Actually, in a better condition than I left it. My tenant who was taking care of the place left it so clean, and the veggie patch better than I'd left it. He even left me a note saying that he was very sorry he'd broken the broom, but left me a vacuum cleaner to replace it!

We spent a couple of days unpacking and getting settled in, we went to see a play of Roald Dahl's The Twits for the homeschoolers' group meeting, and did a lot of shopping and laundry.

Ahhh, I get such a deep satisfaction from seeing all the green of my clothes on the line :)CIMG3906I went down to do a 37 week pre-natal check on Earth Mama, feeling a little worried because she had quite a lot of edema and hadn't been eating protein... A quick check and I diagnosed Pre-Eclampsia, and thus begun the latest birthing odyssey.

But more about that after I've had a good sleep and a massage - I've just spent the past six days caring intensively for Earth Mama and Autumn... anyway, it ends well, with a healthy boy :)


  1. The green laundry on the line shot is just so very wonderful!

    Welcome new baby and happy babymoon to EarthMama. I'm hoping it didn't end in a C...

    Rest and Bless to you.

  2. Oh I never thought the look of fresh white washing could be beaten. You have shown me different! Go Green! yay!

    Blessings to Earth Mama and baby, may their journey be filled with love and compassion!

    Blessings also to you and yours MF. Hugs xxx

  3. How dod you manage to finance and plan your travels. My children an d I want to go but are unsure how to plan it, any suggestions? My email is mamatjt@yahoo.com

    Happy travels laughter and love


Thanks for your lovely words, witty banter and entertaining discussion :)